Surfer Blood LIVE @ The Garage, Islington 12/05/2010
I managed to catch Surfer Blood earlier this year at Camden Crawl and was completely blown away. With drunken revellers packed tightly into the den of inequity that is The Underworld, their shambolic, energetic set captured the anarchic atmosphere of the setting perfectly. The gig ended fittingly with lead singer John Paul Pitts crowd surfing across the room and scrawling 'WE'RE ALL GAY' in permanent marker on the Gaymers sponsor wall.
And so with a smile of expectant anticipation, I entered the Garage in Islington. Everything seemed in good order, the crowd consisting of a healthy mix of buzz-followers and more seasoned music fans. The lights dimmed and the band walked on to Motley Crue's 'Girls, Girls, Girls' blasting with spotlights searching the crowd... Evidently they were as expectant of a 'to-be-remembered' show as I was.
They opened with Fast Jabroni, a good introduction to their sound: surf guitars with LOUD bass and wistful, slightly dark lyrics enhanced by Pitts' Casablancas-esque vocals; in all their songs there is a smooth fusion of Pavement and The Drums with a bit of a sixties surfer vibe thrown in for good measure. The highlights were 'Harmonix' where the bass reached out and slapped you round the ears and 'Anchorage' which escalated slowly into punky joy. They also treated us to an extended version of 'Swim' which dissolved into beautiful guitars reminiscent of the Chili Peppers.
Their stage presence is equally as confident, buzzing with the fizz of youth they joke comfortably with the crowd and each other. It's good to see a new band surrounded by so much hype still having fun instead of taking themselves too seriously too soon.
This show would have been perfect save one thing- the crowd. Despite the raw energy of the songs and enthusiasm of the band , the crowd were embarrassingly subdued. The Blood had obviously planned to do an encore but the lukewarm reception had them asking 'Should we even come back out?'. I think it's a classic example of a band riding on hype without taking the time to build a loyal fan base (this gig had to be downgraded from Heaven). It's a real shame because these boys can really put on a show!
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