Wednesday, 6 October 2010

Tuesday, 5 October 2010

Things of Late

Hey diddle diddle,

Here is some good music make feel nice that's been knocking around my noodle. Enjoysers:Listen here

First Aid Kit 'When I grow up'. This is a really nice cover of the Fever Ray track, check out the video for the original below, also aces. Those crazy Swedes.

Warpaint 'Ashes to Ashes'. I think it's been established Warpaint can do no wrong in my eyes. Maybe they are Veelas. Their cover of Bowie's 'Ashes to Ashes' is as beguiling as to be expected, with delicious bendy bass, good girls.

***SPECIAL TREATZ*** The man himself working the popular 80's 'paedo-in-leather' look, ooooh!

Babeshadow 'Sea Serpents', 'Darling'. I like them because they look like this:

Lefty is an inspiring cross between Art Garfunkel and Michael Hutchence and righty is channeling the perfect amount of old school Kings of Leon (before the unpleasantness...)
I like them #2 because they sound a bit like Larrikin Love and Clap your hands say Yeah (in a good way...

Morning Benders 'Mason Jar', 'Excuses', 'Promises'. Phwoar. Saw them at the Borderline last week and they were incredible. One of those pleasant surprises that are five million times better live than on record (even though the new album is an absolute banger), I nearly died. If you get a chance, go and see them live, you won't be disappointed. Until then, here's their new song

Neon Indian 'Deadbeat Summer'. I like it, I have it. Wasn't blown away by Psychic Chasms but this nostalgia-laden track is bonzer.

I've also thrown on some oldies that have kicked their way back onto my playlist...

The Cribs 'Be Safe'. I can't stop playing this song. 'Lets take life and slow it down incredibly slow, frame by frame with two minutes that take ten years to live out. Yeah, lets do that.'

Arab Strap 'Cherubs'. Some like it scotch...

Foals 'Spanish Sahara'. This is incredible. Check out the video, very Into the Wild...